Santa’s outer robe is a garment of beauty. The fur edging is worked in uncut turkey work, while the outer robe is a complex pattern involving several discreet stitches, worked in a variety of threads and colors. The inner robe is trimmed in guilloche stitch, to suggest a passamenterie braid, and this is festooned with couched gold and crystal beads. A twisted cord creates a belt–the student will learn to make this is class.
The inside of Santa’s robe has blown open a bit to disclose a magnificent lining: additional morning glories are revealed, all worked in glittering or nué.
The student will learn or nué and soft shading, the construction of a twisted cord, plus several complex canvaswork stitches to create a visual treat and a beloved keepsake holiday decoration.
- Time: 2 days
- Proficiency Level: High Intermediate
- Kit cost: $140
- Ground Fabric: 18/inch mono canvas