- Christmas Mermaid
- Caela’s Mermaid
- Debbie’s Mermaid
- Judy’s Mermaid
- Jody’s Mermaid
- Mariachi Mermaid
- Sharon’s Mermaid
- Zena’s Mermaid
- Mimi’s Mermaid
Occasionally I need a stitched ornament, or some other small design as gifts for special people. And every year at Christmas my stitch group exchanges ornaments among ourselves.
So I designed a special mermaid to make for these gifts. Anyone close to me knows that I collect mermaids, and have dozens of them—even a whole mermaid Christmas tree. so I decided my little gift would have a mermaid on it. She holds in one hand a sunflower, which represents one of my most successful designs, a Tribute to Vincent. She even wears a sunflower bra. And her hair is curly, just like mine is.
But when I needed an ornament for our Christmas exchange I thought of the mermaid ornament, but decided to make her in keeping with the season. And so she proudly carries a Christmas tree in place of the sunflower, and her bra is poinsettias.
Some of the mermaids are right handed and some are left. Usually I try to make a left handed one for left handed friends, although sometimes I get mixed up on this issue.
My most recent mermaid has a Mexican flair. She holds calla lilies in her hand, and wears a sombrero. Her tail is a Mesoamerican textile.